Sorry I haven't paid close attention to this thread.
As was suggested attaching a fob or pin to the end of a gold chain will
A "gold" pocket watch on a neck chain would work.

I am unsure as to the country you are portraying though I get the impression
from the subject heading that it probably is English Tudor. If so, most
portraits I have seen do not have neck jewelry so therefore I am curious on
the need for it or better yet would love to see the portraits so that I can
add to my knowledge.
If the costume is Landsknecht then things are a bit clearer to me. :)
(SCA) There is a sumptuary law pertaining to plain gold chains being
reserved for knights, along with white belts and in some Kingdoms, spurs.
There are various Kingdoms with slightly different sumptuary laws. Some
kingdoms reserve plain silver chains for Squires. Some Kingdoms do not allow
the wearing of circlets unless you have an AoA (award of arms) or the
circlet can be only be so wide, unadorned, no pearls..etc.
You might want to review the sumptuary laws of the Kingdom that you are
visiting but it is not a "have too".
Majority of SCA people are courteous, what was being noted was that there
are an occasional boob who does not make sure that their brain is in gear
before engaging mouth and therefore you may have one such approach
you/husband. (You may also get one who will be concerned that you will meet
the boob and try to forewarn you that "such and such" an item may get a
reaction from certain people) The boob is assuming that you are in the SCA
and when finding out you are visitors then they "should" leave the subject
of the chain alone and either walk away or hopefully be a good guest and see
if there is anything that they can do to help. All that person can do
(should do) is suggest that you might want to remove the chain but you do
not have to do so.
A note that in many cases, of the few cases of rebuke for wearing "such and
such" comes from people who do not know that their sumptuary laws are not
the only ones (also it confuses them and people don't like to be confused).
And though I believe that when visiting another Kingdom to have some
consideration for their customs and laws, I am a visitor and not a resident
and therefore am not obliged to wear or not wear according to their laws.
In other words, I will be courteous and considerate of the Kingdom I am
visiting and will conform to those laws and customs that will truly cause a
brouhaha in wearing or doing it but other then that, if it is in accordance
to my Kingdoms laws and custom which I am accustom too, then I will wear it.
Hope this makes some sense and hoped it would ease any concerns or worries
you may have had.

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