Having just returned from Norwescon and finishing that masquerade, I'll be 
working several new things:
1-new 14th Cen. garments for Nayeli as at almost 2 she's out-grown everything 
from last year
2-rewriting my paper on the use of mi-parti in the Romance of Alexander
3-obtaining the rest of the patterns to make an 1870's Victorian ensemble with 
a fantail skirt (I've got some lovely plaid taffeta to play with)
4-starting the research portion to work on documentation for the next 
competition I plan to enter for SCA - a full set of 1340's garments.
5- coordinating with Carmen about a class on Cavalier clothing to be hosted in 
the Puget Sound area (so I can work on one of those too....)
Everything else on my immediate docket is not-quite-historical, making play 
food/toys for Nayeli's birthday at the end of this month or mending.
Too many projects?  How is that poss...er ooh shiny!

JonnaLyhn Wolfcat
aka Angharad verch Reynulf, BAO, An Tir

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