On Fri, 07 Aug 2009 10:34:05 +0100
David Ramsden <da...@0wned.it> wrote:

> john lewis wrote:
> > On Thu, 06 Aug 2009 17:26:49 +0100
> > David Ramsden <da...@0wned.it> wrote:
> > 
> >> Alan Pope wrote:
> >>> 2009/8/6 David Ramsden <da...@0wned.it>:
> >>>> I have the need to upgrade 3 remote servers from Debian to
> >>>> Ubuntu. I'd like to avoid a complete re-install because:
> >>> Blimey, you're brave posting "Upgrade .. from Debian to Ubuntu" on
> >>> this list. Get your best flame retardant underpants on.
> > 
> > I didn't like to comment ;-)
> s/Upgrade/Migrate/
> Although that probably doesn't make things any better, does it
> John? ;)
> > 
> >>> Apparently, if I want to run the latest version of the required 
> >> software, I have to use Ubuntu now. Which is a bit of a pain when
> >> there are these three Debian servers out there...
> > 
> >> One server is currently on Debian 5.0.2, the others are Debian 4.0.
> >> The required software now needs Ubuntu 8.04 LTS.
> > 
> > what software package can't you get with Debian 5.0.2? 
> Unfortunately the package is provided by a 3rd party vendor, via
> their own repository.
> The latest major release of the package is Ubuntu only. I could
> probably download the .deb and get it to work but then I may run the
> risk of hitting a bug and the answer being "it's because you're not
> running Ubuntu".
> The reason behind this is because the product can also run as a
> virtual appliance using VMware. I've been told that Debian is no
> longer VMware certified but Ubuntu is. Therefore the software vendor
> has decided to ditch Debian with newer versions of their product.

This make me fume!  Ubuntu is "supposed" to be a derivative of Debian
and packages developed by Ubuntu developers were "supposed" to be
compatible with the parent distro or at least passed back to Debian to
be made compatible (/me simplifies a bit)

so is ubuntu now officially a fork of Debian?

as for Debian being no longer 'VMware certified' I cannot find
anything regarding this via googling. Debian Lenny with the gnome
desktop certainly has VMware tools and this URL suggests a way around
one problem found in upgrading from Etch to Lenny


a Howto for lenny amd64 suggests getting

and installing that, presumably there is a 32bit tar package as well


> The boxen have been running for nearly a year and there wasn't the
> need to upgrade. Upgrading means some downtime which wasn't an option
> either. Luckily I now have a window where I can upgrade or re-install
> as it looks like I'll be doing.

I have done debian upgrades without even having to reboot! 

but usually an upgrade includes a newer kernel so a reboot is then
needed to take advantage of whatever enhancements the newer kernel

John Lewis
using Debian Sid with windowmaker for a nicer desktop

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