I've made some progress on the following, though it's a bit  patchy...

On 27/09/12 19:27, Gordon Scott wrote:

How can I get stuff grouped in a context-related way?
     In the recent past, as an example, I have a menu from the toolbar
     with top-level headings like "Graphics", "Programming" and so on.
Right now I find nothing like that on Unity, but I feel sure there must
     be a way .. dedicated lens or something?

How to tidy the launcher?
    I've minimized the of icons on the launcher so I can see a fair
    percentage of them, but I'd like to remove most of the clutter.
    It's too full even before I open any applications.
    That's compounded somewhat, also, by the tooltip hovers vanishing
after scanning just a couple of icons, and at present many icons are unfamiliar.

There are (Gnome I think) .desktop files in /usr/share/applications and ~/.local/share/applications and I've devised a few that allow something like what I need, though I have some reservations.

For the moment, I have one called DAW.desktop with some appropriate stuff in it, that runs a bash script, which changes to the working directory and starts related applications. In this case just to ~/Documents and audacity to demonstrate the principle. I have another called Programming.desktop that opens a directory ~/Programming in which I can presumably set up a bunch of links or scripts to location-switch and start applications as appropriate. I guess they too can be done as .desktop files.

I guess this will mean that rather than just following a menu and opening the workspace I want, I'll have to open he directory, run the workspace, then close the directory again, which is clumsy but workable.

Disappearing hovers seem not to happen when the launcher is still 2D. When it goes 3D, the problems start. Hopefully I can manage that by keeping the launcher tidy as per my question.

There seems to be another oddity with the launcher in that if I run applications from the command-line, rather than from the Launcher, I get a second icon on the launcher for that application, which again means the launcher clutters very quickly.

The apparently handy feature to show previews of open applications via Alt-tab, or double-click a Launcher Item, or Special-W only really seems works sensibly for low use desktops. Once there are a few dozen applications open, it becomes hard to tell one from another, particularly if they're mostly editor windows or nautilus windows or similar (I try to have one nautilus window with many tabs to help reduce clutter). A dozen little previews showing illegible program snippets is not wholly helpful.

Hopefully sometime this can have the filename in the hover. OK, granted that doesn't help much if several files are all called main.c, but it's a start.

Kind regards,

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