I have been reading the comments and letters...
And, there is some wisdom I wish to Question...
    Please forgive me... If I make anyone upset.
    It is not my intent at all.

In fact you can skip my entire RANT and go to my questions and non-RANT


I am irked by the wisdom that no one person can set up a hospital with
Not necessarily because I don't believe it is true... After having vista
use me as a punching bag for a couple of months I sort of believe it :).
However.... this... I don't think is a problem with the complexity of
the software or the system in General...
I think this is a problem with DOCUMENTATION!!! 
Even the configuration stuff of Kevin's, Mark's, Nancy's, OpenHui et
all... DOESN'T REALLY EXPLAIN WHAT IS GOING ON. Notice I didn't mention
the VA's stuff... that is coming up.
I want to know what specific fields mean... what am I entering... why
isn't it allowing me to enter a specific field.
What combination of field entries will do the thing I want.
The VA documentation though quite hefty by page count... assumes either
you already know how everything works (and is not cross referenced BTW),
OR is so sparse that it tantalizes you like a smile from a beautiful
woman as she passes you on the train (... or man.. I guess...actually my
original analogy was rather crude... you should be happy).

There seems to be no rhyme or reason (that I can find... again I am
probably looking in the wrong places) as to which order the
documentation should be read or what you can get out of them...  
There are times I will simply open up a document at random to see what
is going on.

EVEN MEDICINE..... was not like this to study....


Now... that is done.... deep breath....sigh....

Some things that I would like to know...
      What was done to make the Egyptian Vista system
      What was done in Finland (thank you Hellevi :) or in Germany or in
      What would it take to get an entire hospital rollout
documented.... from admissions to payroll to something that starts with
a Z
      What difficulties has Mr. Self gotten into putting Davis on the
      What is up with the IHS and is this like a Catholic/Protestant
split or can we all just get along?  And maybe even share code?
      What about GPLing whatever changes we make to VistA?

      What order should I do things?  Which documentation comes first
and which comes last.... Which packages come first... etc...


Ok and now a song......
Dave... would you like me to sing you a song?
No Hal.

Once again, I am sorry to have offended

P.S.  I think VistA is one of the coolest packages out there... I would
really like it to get used by ... well everyone.
P.P.S.  I think there is a lot... A LOT... of experience and talent on
this list... I really wish that dumb questions where a little more
clearly documented... so I wouldn't have to ask them more than 3 times.
P.P.S.  I am trying to Document what I am doing... but it is really
difficult, when you have NO EARTHLY CLUE exactly what it is that you are
doing :)

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