Joseph Puthooran wrote:
>Secondly I wonder what is the agenda of the exclusive OpenVistA
>R&D coding worshops. Is it to address some of these issues that
>were left out at the OpenVistA porting exercise?

The developer meetings that I have been involved with have been exclusive only 
in their
orientation towards programming and detailed examination of the source code and 
structures. I am not aware of any intention to exclude any persons from these 
except by their own judgement of their own interests, abilities, and desire to 

These separate meetings have often been very small with a half dozen 
individuals or so.
The agendas have been rather free-form and flexible, depending on the interests 
of the
persons attending. Porting issues were a significant part of earlier meetings, 
but were
not in my awareness in recent meetings.

The most recent meeting in Pittsburg was largely focused around integrating 
M2Web with
VistA and general problem of providing a complete user interface for VistA 
beyond telnet.

We spent some time looking at patient registration, web mail, VMACS menus, and 
a general
analysis of the VistA source code aimed at the possibility of generating a 
mapping of
inputs identified in the code to user interface elements.

Most of the weekend was devoted to the code analysis or to adapting the VMACS 
web based
menu system to the display of menus from the VistA Options file.

The most visible result is that we can now see and navigate all of our assigned 
menus on the web and that web enabled options, like the prototype patient 
registration can
be accessed from the menu. I will put this up on the openforum web site when 
the server is
restored. (David, I meant to bring this up at the meeting, but for the way the 
server used
to be configured, CGI in user directories needs to be reenabled and I no longer 
have the
password to do it myself.)

VMACS menus are based on a similar Options file that actually predates the 
VistA Options
file, so achieving this initial demonstration of functionality was relatively 

I did not participate directly in the code analysis.

These weekends generally leave me quite tired (and the others as well, I think) 
so that it
takes a couple of weeks or more to recover.

I hope that helps.

Jim Self
Systems Architect, Lead Developer
VMTH Computer Services, UC Davis
M2Web Demonstration with VistA

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