I do not see either a preference for Cache or a preference for GT.M as a 
mystery.  There are pros and cons for each choice and the choice seems to me 
to be one that those involved need to consider for each implementation 
depending upon the circumstances and requirements for each individual 
setting.  Hopefully vendors will have the ability to provide whatever is most 
suitable for their customers.  

In your setting, I suspect GT.M will be the sensible choice even if there are, 
in fact, a few problems that require adjustments to the infrastructure code  
for this platform to make ZTMGRSET do its job for GT.M like the others.   It 
may be that it will be necessary for you to contract with someone with a 
great depth of expertise in this area to help you with this.  Your 
programmers seem to have done a remarkable job with their brains, hard work 
and the largess of the Hardhats mailing list contributors, but this problem 
may take a bit more.

On Saturday 03 June 2006 01:14, Joseph Puthooran wrote:
Dear Jim,

Thanks for your input.

There is no doubt that the WorldVistA team is doing a great job
and we are all grateful for that. But with all the time
constraints that exist, it may not always be possible to include
others who are investing time in trying to implement OpenVistA,
by keeping them informed of the agenda of such meetings and the
outcome. Also it is possible that some will use such information
without giving back to the community. But that will be a risk
one has to take.

The reason I raised this was also because at one of the earlier
R&D coding workshops, I was told that it was restricted to
invitees. I am sure that there is a good reason to restrict the
size to a focused group. But I wish there is a mechanism to
communicate the work done to the community. If the planned work
is articulated it is possible that others would also contribute
without being physically present at the meetings. Considering
the constraints with which WorldVistA operates, I am sure that
this is easier said than done. But I hope that will happen some
time in the future. Else the impression that there is a lack of
transparency will percolate – certainly unjustified, but it
could undermine the free exchange and motivation to contribute
to the community.

My real concern is that I am planning to implement VistA in
India. I want to be sure what would be a wise strategy in terms
of the platform. Presently my view is that for the smaller
clinics and physician practices, GT.M may be the best option
considering the absence of licensing responsibilities. But for a
larger hospital, I wonder if that will be too much of a risk and
whether Cache would be safer. I cannot afford to take the risk
of failure. But it is possible that the OpenVistA on GT.M could
prove equally robust. But why people prefer Cache is still a

--- Jim Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joseph Puthooran wrote:
> >Secondly I wonder what is the agenda of the exclusive
> OpenVistA
> >R&D coding worshops. Is it to address some of these issues
> that
> >were left out at the OpenVistA porting exercise?
> The developer meetings that I have been involved with have
> been exclusive only in their
> ...... snip

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