"Standards"? What the hell does that mean? We got freaks around the world that think we are criminals for not complying with their religious standards and want to KILL US for it. Some standards just don't make sense when examined, many are arbitrary.We should be giving kids (and 3rd world countries) condoms because we know people are going to screw, period.

As to standards, many people eat freshly grown things from their garden all the time & don't drop dead. You get into refined things and even with standards you have problems.

Aspartame, Sucralose, saccharin, acesulfame, MSG...

We do it everyday when we eat something with the generic catch all "artificial" or "natural" ingredients print on the label. Hell there's plenty we're allowed to consume that is KNOW to be bad, just as long as it's not enough to kill us outright.

The biggest drug problem these days is ICE or crystal meth made from cold pills and second a bumper crop from our buddies in Afghanistan. Neither should be tolerated and those found using should be helped medically, not jailed. Read any medical text listing the know drugs used and you'll find alcohol #1 bad drug, pot the last thing in the list.

Decriminalize pot and be on the look out for people ABUSING not simply using the drug, then put our drug war money to proper use helping to heal rather than punish.

FORC5 wrote:
not a good reason to make these products legal. same argument for giving kids condoms.
a society needs standards to live by
for the live of me I can not figure out why someone would consume a product that they have NO FUCKING IDEA what kind of standards where used in manufacture. These same ppl probably want only organic food. go figure.

At 07:40 AM 8/25/2005, Thane Sherrington Poked the stick with:

At 11:31 AM 25/08/2005, Gary Udstrand wrote:

What happened in China when they legalized drugs?  What about Needle
park in Zurich?  Can you cite one example where the legalization of
drugs solved any social ills?

Can you name one example where making it illegal solved any social ills? All anti-drug laws have gotten the US and Canada are huge police budgets and drugs on the streets. If they can get drugs into prisons (supposedly secure facilities) then we can't stop them outside prisons.


Tallyho ! ]:8)
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