How old is your 350W PSU? And, I'd be concerned that your listed load of hdw could be dragging the PSU down under heavy load. It may not have sufficient reserve to deal with peak demands. I'd think your load would justify a ~500W PSU minimum. But, then I have always "overed" my PSUs since about 1998 and have had no PSU trouble (odd stuff). They have always run to terminal failure
At 14:38 09/12/2007 -0400, AQ Martin wrote:

How do you tell if a PC has a bad PS?

One of the reasons I'm trying to upgrade is because my "other" PC is crapping out on my. It's a Pentium 4 3 GHz, with 1 GB of ram, an ATI 9800Pro, 3 WD 200 GB HDs, 2 DVD Drives, 1 floppy, and 1 usb/firewire interface. It's in a lanboy case with a 350 W PS. ASUS mobo...

Life is too short, methinks.....


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