Is it really worth it to try to clean? Are you sure a nice clean
re-install wouldn't be better? I always suggest people stay away from
remediation because your only depending on tools and their signatures
and trust me even the best AV doesn't have very good coverage. Most
malware these days are also web based so they download newer versions
from the web. So 1 piece of malware will usually result in 5-10 new
pieces of malware downloaded.

Ali Mesdaq
Security Researcher II
Websense Security Labs

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of FORC5
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 9:43 AM
Subject: [H] restoring policy's ?

Have a REALLY screwed up one. Spyware or something has basically locked
out everything. While I did get the control panel back none of the
applets run. gpedit.msc says file not found.

can not manage users. Was able to fix this a little and it is better but
some of this needs to be restored. I suspect a whole system restore is
needed to be honest but I always respect a challenge. :-D

Any suggestions will be helpful. ( or tools ) fp

Tallyho ! ]:8)
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