The thermalright and scythe flagships are considered the best overall - the 
fact they are so monsterous make them a favorite among silentPC enthusiasts 
because you can use relatively low noise/underpowered 120mm fans instead of 
stock. The cooling cababilities of the XP 120 and Ninja (now all copper) with 
stock fans and speeds, even on quad cores, is under-utilized at the moment.
> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 12:20:09 -0600> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
>> Subject: [H] The best Socket 775 Heatsink/fan 
> combo?> > Hi,> > I just wanted to get the collectives thoughts on 
> heatsink/fan combo's> for a Q6600.> > I've been running it with the stock 
> cooler for a while now but I'm> thinking of trying the 3Ghz overclock as most 
> people seem to be able to> get there with no issues (this is the first system 
> I have not> overclocked out the box). What would be the ultimate air cooling> 
> solution? I'm not interested in liquid cooling.> > Thanks,> > Gary> If you 
> are not the intended recipient of this e-mail message, please notify the 
> sender > and delete all copies immediately. The sender believes this message 
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