> "Everything just works" should be their motto...

"Until it doesn't and frakk all if you know why"
"Until we move on & drop legacy support"
"Unless you want to choose your own hardware"

LOL, I see a real frakked future repeating the mistakes of the True Blue IBM PC days if we keep drinking Jobs' Kool-Aid! Now give me OSX for any PC & I'll mix a bit of Vodka in that Kool-Aid right away...

Slipstreamed SP3 & something like autopatcher would have lowered that time significantly. Unbundled software would be an issue no matter the platform though there are ways create unattended software installs for 3rd party apps.

John Steinbruner wrote:
Gotta love OSX. I brought this thing home, plugged it and the mouse/KB in, fired it up, and 10 minutes later it was configured and downloading my Email for me. :)

"Everything just works" should be their motto...

Just rebuilt a PC last weekend with XP SP2, including the 127 updates and downloads, it took 4 hours. 'Course, that was with installing SEP, MSOffice, WinRar, Acrobat Reader, and stuff like that too.. :)

I am kinda amazed at how much I like OSX for everyday mainstream stuff.. ;)

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