Fully understand this from previous threads. I was really focused at a pure BSD/*nix kind of choice. My bad. I still have much to remember; and learn.

Yes, I have several old friends (not on our list) that still use a vast array of older MAC platforms, and, oddly, we still converse test-wise. Rich-text and graphic sharing is sketchy, but doable.
Yes, I will now start looking (pricing).

At 13:56 06/28/2008 -0400, you wrote:

Mac OSX is built on top of BSD. It's the closest you can get to a really well polished desktop *NIX experience. Ubuntu follows a close second.

The nice thing about Mac hardware is that it's largely compatible with newer versions of OSX. There are people who have 10+ year old PowerPC mac's that have had various hardware upgrades and are still fast, usable machines. It's hard to say that about standard x86 hardware.

IMHO Apple gear is worth a look.

DHSinclair wrote:
Thanks, and, mostly I follow your comments and JoeUser's to get an idea of things MAC. Now that Steine seems to be dabbling, I have another viewpoint. Not certain that W2K is totally EOL yet; I still get WinUpdates each month. Yes, I now longer have dreams of one last "SP5" for Win2K. When these stop I will decide and jump. I no longer have the time and/or money to try and acquire enough legit XP copies to keep my stable opsnorml. I will not go warez either. Email and web-banking is very much fun, but I can still go totally black (offline) and have a very competent, fully electronic "typewriter" in an interim. Or, I will just segregate my one XP machine to full internet status and figure out how to filter it from my home LAN. Right now I am focused on a major upgrade to my home, so most things computer are again on hold............ :) BSD still seems way too much cmd-line to me. Perhaps there are now solid wrappers that make it easier for a guy sans programmer experience. I'll give it another look though. Mostly likely, I will go MAC. I am not concerned about hdw cost. I will buy as much as I can afford and then run it fully to failure. I do not tinker much anymore. I accept that I do not have bleeding edge anymore. I find it is not needed for my life/banking/commerce needs now. Still it is nice to know what is out there 'if only.'

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