Differing amounts of "memory hole" from differing configurations would be my guess before blaming a bug.

Agreed, with driver support (on new devices at least) finally happening there is no reason to use x32.

On 5/1/2010 3:16 PM, Bryan Seitz wrote:
Seems to be a bug or a chipset thing if it's different on different systems, 
all with 4G of ram.
Either way there's no reason to not use a 64 bit os in 2010.

On Sat, May 01, 2010 at 10:43:14AM -0700, maccrawj wrote:
Sorry, your point/counterpoint is? Think I'm missing something here.

On 5/1/2010 7:28 AM, Bryan Seitz wrote:
Well no, I've seen systems with 4G of memory show:


with /PAE


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