
Both PC's, the laser printer, and both NAS boxen in the computer room are all 
on a wired Gigabit switch...

NAS transfers are very fast that way...  :)

But I use wireless for the MacBook Pro laptop and the Xbox 360 in the living 
room where I don't have any ethernet cables..

Works very well for me..

On May 12, 2010, at 4:24 PM, DSinc wrote:

> Is it fair for me to NOW believe that the majority of this LIST is now 
> actively using WIFI for their internal home LANs?
> No. I do not wish to start a firestorm with those that use both!
> The basic question is about the use of WIFI....... :)
> (Are there many of us old fools still using only wired CAT5/6 LANs?)
> Just wondering?
> Best,
> Duncan


Facts do not cease to exist just
because they are ignored.

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