No, it's a manually initiated operation.

It's likely more efficient to move data off and the back onto a SSD to achieve a degree of defrag rather than the usual multipass/multimove defrag. MyDefrag has a script for flash disks and I believe it's suggested to be used sparingly.

SSD's need to incorporate 8GB~16GB of volital DRAM mapped as a second partition (if they don't already) for temp files before I'd go anywhere near them. In that sense the Amiga was light years ahead of it's time with a non-volital RAM disk.

On 5/17/2010 9:19 PM, John R Steinbruner wrote:
i hope they don't do auto-defragging without asking first, not needed and not 
good for the ole Intel SSD...  :)

Defragging is not recommended for SSD drives, just wastes read/write cycles of 
the memory chips..

On May 17, 2010, at 7:14 AM, Stan Zaske wrote:

  Valve's Steam has a built-in defrag function for similar reasons given the 
massive archives that make up their games.

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