I have a very nice, perhaps, antique, W2K server. It trucks on just fine ATM. Certainly I can not afford to replace it with current new hardware. Yes, I can just retire/junk it! Might lower my yearly KVM bill even. I just do not see why ATM...

LOL! (Stop laughing Bryan!)  MS Updates have stopped................SO,

My server is now behind. NOMO MS security business. ...Understand EOL in all of its' interpretations. Please do not preach!

My Server's OS is EOL. Fine. I do not believe my Server hdw is EOL by a long shot. Well, unless the collective convinces me otherwise! I am willing to listen; if focused upon my project at hand.

I would like to upgrade the base server hdw to WinXP. I believe I know what I need to do with all the data on the on-board RAID-5. The RAID-5 is SCSI U160 SC80. Yes, it can be fully retired.........(tired of buying disks and paying "TIM" tickets when I goof, or, another goof happens..... :)

I am thinking of :

a- yanking the Adaptec 3200S SCSI RAID card. To be replaced w/some form of SATA RAID card. My recent research tells me the WinXP might recognize this old card any longer?

SO, (Stop lalughing, Bryan!)

b. I will wash/retire all 5 of my SC80 18MB (10-15Krpm) hard drives. Suitable SATA replacement will be purchased......(I knew this day would come!)

Stop laughing, Bryan!!!

c. Yank the U160 SCSI Interface card off my RAID cage. Replace it with whatever cabling necessary to re-connect the RAID cage to my pending NEW SATA Raid card (a).

d. Installing my current WinXP O/S. Pray that IT may sorta do some Server duties.......?

Do the wizards of the collective think this is a good plan?

Please do not preach Vista at me.
Please do not preach Win7 at me. That is a possibility only if I hit some lottery!
I have WinXP pro only.
I may consider Debian Linux....(except I fear the learning curve ATM!)

Bryan! Stop laughing!!................ :)

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