Kalo promosi dalam bentuk media memang ada kemungkinan terjadi seperti yang
Mas Herman sampaikan.Akan tetapi kecil kemungkinan terjadi jika
disosialisasikan melalui aktivitas seperti meditasi bersama dan bakti
Bahkan sebenarnya kalo dalam bentuk aktivitas, bukan HU yg dipromosikan..,

 but this is about how we promote LOVE & HARMONY to each other ;)

karena lilin yang berarti hanyalah lilin yang menyala di kegelapan..bukanlah
ukurannya, bukanlah merknya..

salam hangat,

2008/10/10 Herman Adriansyah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Betul kalo terlalu gencar promosi nanti malah bukan yang terpanggil yang
> ikut tapi cuma golongan yang mau coba2 aja yang ikut
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Christ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <harmonisasi-universal@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 9:24 PM
> Subject: [HU] Re: View this page "HU FAQs"
> >
> > Hati2 kalau trlalu d promosikan nanti d kira agresi HU.
> > ;)
> >
> >
> > On 10/10/2008, Christian Stephanus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Brother & Sisters..Sekarang gantian saya yang merinding..
> >> Benar-benar suatu langkah maju menuju keharmonisan universal!
> >>
> >> Somehow, saya merasa bahwa menyebarkan/mengembangkan "web of light" ini
> >> bukanlah suatu tanggung jawab yang ringan, bukan pula suatu tanggung
> >> jawab
> >> yang bisa dipikul sambil lalu.
> >>
> >> Saya pikir kita perlu suatu "strategic initiative", sebuah langkah yang
> >> akan
> >> secara signifikan memperluas jaringan cahaya dalam waktu yang relatif
> >> singkat, khususnya di saat-saat dimana saya merasa kita semua bangsa
> >> Indonesia sungguh memasuki masa-masa sulit penuh tantangan menyusul
> >> krisis
> >> ekonomi di Amerika (Indonesia sudah terkena dampaknya).
> >>
> >> Tidak perlu memiliki mata bathin untuk menyadari hal itu. Hal yang bisa
> >> kita, sebagai masyarakat sipil, lakukan mungkin hanyalah berdoa agar hal
> >> buruk tidak terjadi DAN mempersiapkan diri ketika harus melalui berbagai
> >> ketidaknyamanan.
> >>
> >> Memperluas jaringan cahaya adalah salah satu cara untuk mengantisipasi
> >> masa-masa sulit itu.
> >>
> >> Masa-masa dimana kesadaran akan persaudaraan sesama manusia akan
> >> digoncang
> >> sedemikian rupa.
> >>
> >> Masa-masa dimana sungguh kita harus mempererat tali Kasih dan
> >> Persaudaraan.
> >>
> >> Marilah kita semua mulai menyusun "action plan"
> >> Tanpa bermaksud menyamakan HU dengan barang dagangan, namun, ibarat
> >> produk,
> >> selain mendistribusikan yang harus kita lakukan adalah mempromosikan
> atau
> >> lebih tepat menyosialisasikannya.
> >>
> >> Alat untuk menyosialisasikan:
> >>
> >> 1. Media massa, mungkin hanya Sonora Surabaya yg bisa bantu (dalam
> bentuk
> >> talkshow). Tidak masalah daripada tidak ada sama sekali.
> >>
> >> 2. Internet, seperti yang sudah kita lakukan saat ini + menempatkan
> milis
> >> HU
> >> pada setiap signature email anggota Milis HU.
> >>         Misal:
> >>
> >> Salam,
> >>
> >> Stephanus K. Wibowo
> >>
> >> "Bergabunglah dengan Mailist Light Worker
> >> harmonisasi-universal@googlegroups.com"
> >> +tagline yang merupakan cerminan dari visi dan misi HU, tapi dalam 1
> >> kalimat
> >> yang singkat, sederhana dan impressive                   (masih harus
> >> kita
> >> rumuskan).
> >>
> >> 3. Aktivitas. Kenapa aktivitas ini penting? Karena kalau tidak,
> bisa-bisa
> >> keanggotaan HU hanya terbatas bagi mereka yang intensif
> >> ber-internet/melek
> >> internet. Apa saja yang bisa kita lakukan? Yang saat ini terbayang di
> >> benak
> >> saya adalah:
> >>
> >>
> >>    - meditasi bersama, bikin semacam klub meditasi (seperti yg Bang
> Gerry
> >>    sempet singgung pas ketemuan di Sonora) suatu tempat yang mudah
> >> terjangkau
> >>    di pusat kota. Kita bisa mengajukan proposal ke institusi-institusi
> >> untuk
> >>    mengadakan meditasi bagi karyawan-karyawannya (dengan gratis) yang
> >> penting
> >>    disediakan tempat.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>    - Bakti sosial, kita kunjungi pasien-pasien di Rumah Sakit, dan atas
> >>    persetujuan pasien dan keluarganya kita mendoakan yang terbaik bagi
> >> pasien.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Mungkin itu aja dulu yang bisa saya sampaikan. Sekedar usulan saja.
> Mohon
> >> maaf jika dirasa kurang/tidak pas.
> >> Btw, mungkinkah kita minta petunjuk dari para Divine Beings mengenai
> >> langkah-langkah efektif seperti apa yg bisa kita lakukan?
> >>
> >> Salam harmonis!
> >>
> >> nanus
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 3:38 PM, A. Guntur Dwiyatmoko
> >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>> Dear HUers,
> >>>
> >>> Mas Edo, FAQ nya bagus, ini saya coba iseng bikin terjemahan inggrisnya
> >>> buat
> >>> HU internasional, masih butuh koreksi sana sini deh kayaknya...semoga
> >>> bermanfaat
> >>>
> >>> salam harmonis,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> (Frequently Asked Questions)
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> What is Harmonization-Universal (HU)?
> >>>
> >>> HU is a community supervised directly by Divine Beings to spread Web of
> >>> Light of Harmony on Planet Earth and The Universe. The People within
> >>> this
> >>> community comes from many different backgrounds. We welcome any
> >>> professions,
> >>> ages, religions, social status, et cetera to join and find harmony
> >>> within
> >>> self, family, workplaces, social communities, countries and at the end
> >>> brings harmony to this world and The Universe.
> >>>
> >>> What is the history of HU?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> HU was founded by Gerald Ginting. He wrote in his email about its
> >>> history:
> >>>
> >>> "On 2004 I was occupied on the effort to seek information about Reiki,
> >>> after
> >>> I got Reiki attunement in the beginning of year. Had many friends via
> >>> Reiki
> >>> and any other spiritual mailing lists in Indonesia, I got many aids and
> >>> information to know better the spiritual world. It was only energy at
> >>> first,
> >>> but then its coverage becoming wider. Until finally when I was going
> >>> overseas I met one of Master Shamballa whose introduced me to my first
> >>> spiritual teacher, which known as Buddha.
> >>>
> >>> Shortly after, assisted by many friends in the mailing lists, I was
> >>> brought
> >>> in to Metatron and Melchizedek in the long distance group meditation
> >>> season.
> >>> Metatron then came to me and gave me the HU initiation. His message was
> >>> an
> >>> order to spread the initiation around the world. I did not distribute
> >>> over
> >>> the initiation like It said for 2 years until my conversation with Edo
> >>> (Mayapada mailing list moderator), and he agreed that HU initiation
> >>> would
> >>> bring into play via Mayapada mailing list. Many HU-ers friends brought
> >>> forth
> >>> from here since it was."
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> What is the Pillar of Light?
> >>>
> >>>  Pillars of Light are coordinators who facilitate initiation for new
> >>> members, responsible on undertaking meetings and discussion group in
> >>> their
> >>> residence area, and also as a lead speaker representing HU community on
> >>> their each regions, both in the real or virtual space.
> >>>
> >>> How do I join?
> >>>
> >>> You can contact one of coordinators (Pillars of Light) in this FAQ
> page.
> >>> You
> >>> can contact them by email or phone call, asking initiation. The Pillar
> >>> will
> >>> contact you to make an appointment for an initiation session.
> Initiation
> >>> can
> >>> be done directly (up close and personal) or remotely (long distance
> >>> initiation).
> >>>
> >>> International Pillar of Lights
> >>>
> >>> Gerald Ginting (Founder HU): +62 816 514474
> >>>
> >>> Regional Pillar of Lights (Indonesia)
> >>>
> >>> 1. Herman Adriansyah (+62819 2939 1688) - Palembang
> >>> 2. Zirvan Edriansyah (+6281-574-577377) - Jakarta
> >>> 3. Stephanus K. Wibowo (+6281-197-2845) - Surabaya
> >>> 4. Rainny Natalia S (+6281-211-00303) - Bogor
> >>> 5. Tony Andri Wahyudi (+6281-805-968825) - Semarang
> >>> 6. Lashita Situmorang (+6281-578-883539) - Yogjakarta
> >>> 7. David Goh (+6281-520-333333) - Jakarta
> >>> 8. Yoseph Wahyu Paskalis (+6285-236-499816) - Jember
> >>> 9. Ferry Wardhana (+6281-795-54640) - Sumbawa
> >>> 10. Yohanes Sigit (+6281-364-736995) - Samarinda
> >>> 11. Kadek Arimbawa (+6281-236-03689) - Bali
> >>> 12. Eduard de Grave (+62815 84662025) - Bandung
> >>>
> >>> 13. Andi (+62852-659-20122) - Pekanbaru
> >>>
> >>> 14. Marsel (+62815 7506 3227) - Semarang
> >>>
> >>> 15. Rustan Husada (031-72616440) - Surabaya
> >>>
> >>> 16. Aris Widodo (+6281-579-55799) - Yogyakarta
> >>>
> >>> 17. Christanto Rimawan (+6281-190-4354) - Jakarta
> >>>
> >>> 18. Jhon (+6281-263-685388) - Medan
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Why initiation needed? What happen in the initiation season?
> >>>
> >>> HU initiation is a preparation process for rookies to get
> >>> transformational
> >>> ways into universal harmonization. This isn't a simple process. It
> needs
> >>> a
> >>> deep cleaning to the very subtle of human existence. A pillar of light
> >>> only
> >>> act as a facilitator who establish a communication between HU
> candidates
> >>> with Divine Beings. The next initiation process will be completed by
> >>> Divine
> >>> Beings.
> >>>
> >>> Divine Beings? Who are Divine Beings mentioned above?
> >>>
> >>> Divine Beings are Beings who already reached the God Realization-State.
> >>> They
> >>> are our Elder Cosmic Brothers/Sisters who commit to compassionately,
> >>> lovingly and patiently assist their younger brothers/sisters to get
> >>> Universal Oneness within God Consciousness. The Lead Divine Being is
> >>> Lord
> >>> Metatron and Lord Melchizedek. There are also Archangel Michael, St.
> >>> Germain, Lord Kumeka, Mother Gaia, Seraph Rose Aura, Lord Buddha and
> >>> many
> >>> more! They are 'Angels' in Semantic tradition 'Avatars' in Hinduism and
> >>> 'Ascended Masters' in New Age tradition.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Wow.. sounds creepy! Is it dangerous?
> >>>
> >>> Of course not ^_^ but if you are not sure don't ask for initiation.
> >>> Please
> >>> listen to your heart before decide to join us. If something rings you
> >>> and
> >>> you feel safe and comfort but again you are not so sure about this,
> >>> please
> >>> feel free to ask the HU-ers, especially those the Pillars of Light. And
> >>> you
> >>> free to leave if it didn't 'rings' you anyhow.
> >>>
> >>> I wanna join, but I am afraid committing a sin if HU's teaching is
> >>> against
> >>> my faith (or religion's dogma).
> >>>
> >>> HU has no interrelatedness with any entity/movement or specific
> >>> religion.
> >>> HU
> >>> based on Universal Unconditional Love that surely in harmony with ANY
> >>> religion. HU isn't teach any dogma. If you are not pretty sure on what
> >>> you
> >>> gonna do, just ask to your heart and It will give you the BEST answer
> >>> :-).
> >>>
> >>> Is this a spiritual community or part of New Age Movement?
> >>>
> >>> HU is a spiritual community, but not a part of any religion or movement
> >>> including New Age. Here's the description of New Age Movement:
> >>>
> >>> "New Age Movement, broad-based amalgam of diverse spiritual, social,
> and
> >>> political elements with the common aim of transforming individuals and
> >>> society through spiritual awareness. Comprising individuals, activist
> >>> groups, businesses, professional groups, and spiritual leaders and
> >>> followers, the movement brought feminist, ecological, spiritual, and
> >>> human-potential concerns into the mainstream in the 1980s and 1990s,
> >>> creating a large market in the United States and other countries for
> >>> books,
> >>> magazines, audio- and videotapes, workshops, retreats, and expositions
> >>> on
> >>> the subject, as well as for natural foods, crystals, and meditation and
> >>> healing aids.
> >>>
> >>> Often seen as resurgent paganism or Gnosticism, the modern movement has
> >>> more
> >>> recent roots in 19th-century spiritualism and in the 1960s
> >>> counterculture,
> >>> which rejected materialism in favor of Eastern mysticism and preferred
> >>> direct spiritual experience to organized religion. Techniques for
> >>> self-improvement and the idea that the individual is responsible for
> and
> >>> capable of everything from self-healing to creating the world, have
> >>> found
> >>> applications in health care and counseling as well as in sports, the
> >>> armed
> >>> forces, and corporations and have provoked debate in religious and
> other
> >>> circles.
> >>>
> >>> Holistic thinking has influenced attitudes about medicine, the
> >>> environment,
> >>> the family, work, regional planning, and world peace, among others.
> >>> Ideas
> >>> frequently associated with the New Age movement include
> anthroposophical
> >>> teachings, inner transformation, reincarnation, extraterrestrial life,
> >>> biofeedback, chanting, alchemy, yoga, transpersonal psychology,
> >>> shamanism,
> >>> martial arts, the occult, astrology, psychic healing, extrasensory
> >>> perception, divination, astral travel, acupuncture, massage, tarot,
> Zen,
> >>> mythology, and visualization. (source: MSN Encarta Encyclopedia)
> >>>
> >>> Different from New Age Movement, HU is not rejecting any religion.
> >>> Still,
> >>> HU
> >>> bears mutual respect in religion's teaching. With religion, you can
> find
> >>> spiritualism and religion could be a good source for spiritualism. But
> >>> spiritualism itself is broader and wider than religions. Spiritualism
> is
> >>> human longing for God, the universal need of God, which is still
> dormant
> >>> in
> >>> the every heart of human.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> It is said that HU initiation isn't harmful, but why I felt one of
> these
> >>> symptoms: crotchety, headache, unstable mood, fatigue, losing appetite,
> >>> etc?
> >>> What happen with me?
> >>>
> >>> HU initiation basically is harmless. The initiation process including
> >>> purify
> >>> our multi-dimension body. It is called multi-dimension because beside
> >>> our
> >>> physical body, we have many unseen body layers. The cleansing process
> is
> >>> naturally have many side effects but don't worry, it would be
> temporary.
> >>> At
> >>> the end, you will feel harmonic with any things surround you!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> After I got initiation, what next?
> >>>
> >>> Starting develop self-harmonization. Recall all the forgotten
> >>> 'feelings',
> >>> 'taste', 'sensation' we never been told or being skipped in our formal
> >>> education. Lotsa way to do that. Practicing meditation, joining yoga
> >>> class,
> >>> enjoying the beautiful scenery, attending art class (painting,
> >>> image/statue
> >>> carving, dancing, singing, etc.) you really interested in, having fun
> >>> with
> >>> close friends and many many other ways. Try to get knowing yourself is
> >>> also
> >>> one of the way. Maybe because of our daily activity, all things become
> >>> 'mechanical' and we forgot all sensation and feeling that is
> spiritually
> >>> embodied long time ago.
> >>>
> >>> Why don't I feel anything during or after initiation? I read many
> >>> testimonials in the mailing list that they could feel this and that,
> see
> >>> this and that. Why didn't I experience all those?
> >>>
> >>> Don't worry if you don't feel anything during or after the initiation!
> >>> It
> >>> doesn't mean that you haven't received them, it only means that you
> >>> didn't
> >>> experience them consciously. It's most likely a question of sensitivity
> >>> to
> >>> energy, once you have adjusted your vibration to the same frequency the
> >>> energy does, you will feel all the sensation. The initiation is given
> by
> >>> Divine Beings, so that the initiation would perfectly received.
> >>>
> >>> Does the initiation has the same nature as Reiki Attunement?
> >>>
> >>> Yes and No, it depends. Though HU initiation is also opening and
> >>> cleansing
> >>> our main spiritual channels, but mainly HU initiation is an
> inauguration
> >>> ceremony, welcoming a new member to the Web of Light. Within Web of
> >>> Light,
> >>> we are connected to each other, helping each other and grow together.
> >>>
> >>> Love, Light, and Harmony!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>> From: "si Brewok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>> To: "Harmonisasi Universal" <harmonisasi-universal@googlegroups.com>
> >>> Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 12:33 PM
> >>> Subject: [HU] Re: View this page "HU FAQs"
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> hmm satu lagi: saya harap teman2 di milis HU internasional juga ikut
> >>> dilibatkan dalam penyusunan FAQ ini, jadi apakah ada yg berbaik hati
> >>> mau menerjemahkan FAQ ini ke dalam English? kemudian diskusi dari
> >>> milis HU indonesia ini bisa diteruskan disana. Saya lihat mereka2 itu
> >>> adalah 'raksasa2' energi. Kemampuannya luar biasa! ada baiknya kita di
> >>> HU indo ini bis bersinergi dengan kawan2 dari mancanegara. karena
> >>> nanti jawaban2 di FAQ ini berlaku untuk humankind bukan cuman untuk
> >>> orang indonesia saja ^_^
> >>>
> >>> On Oct 2, 5:52 pm, si Brewok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> > Halo kawan2, saya telah membuatkan FAQ untuk milis HU. Silahkan
> mampir
> >>> > dan liad2. jika ada pertanyaan tambahan yg ingin ditambahkan ke FAQ
> >>> > tsb mari kita diskusikan di milis.
> >>> >
> >>> > Click onhttp://
> groups.google.com/group/harmonisasi-universal/web/faqs
> >>> > - or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't
> >>> > work.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> >
> >>>
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >
> > --
> > Sent from Gmail for mobile | mobile.google.com
> >
> >
> > Love and Harmony in Light,
> >
> > /christ
> > ~ Be thankful for what you have, not sad about what you don't have ~
> >
> > >
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** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

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