I agree with doing this.  Ideally it is something that would appear on
the Foundation website, i.e. not just for Project Harmony, but making it
a clear policy is certainly the right thing to do.

FWIW the IETF do an equivalent thing (http://www.ietf.org/maillist.html)
and even have it written on a piece of paper that is thrust into your
hand at the group meetings.

The tiniest nit:
> If you do not wish your post to be a Contribution, please do not
> post it. However, in the event that you do, ...

how about
If you do not wish your post to be a Contribution, we would prefer that
you do not post it. However, in the event that you do, ...


Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> I'm focused on bringing our legal framework issues to conclusion.  (I 
> have a long flight today, so expect to see something COB today...)
> However, there's an issue that's been brought to my attention from 
> several people, and I wish propose that we explicitly state our  mailing
> list policies, as they are now based on "general  understandING" rather
> than a written policy that's available to  everyone.
> I propose the following is added to the top of the mailing list page  on
> the site (I've added and published, currently marked as proposed)  and
> included in the welcome message for each subscriber, and posted  once a
> month to all lists as part of a monthly FAQ :
> Apache Harmony mailing lists operate under the following terms :
> This forum has been created for public communication about projects  of
> The Apache Software Foundation (the "Foundation"), a Delaware  nonprofit
> corporation classified as a public charity under 501(c)(3).  All
> communication intentionally submitted to the Foundation on this  forum
> is considered a Contribution to the Foundation unless otherwise  noted
> in the communication. The terms and conditions that apply to  your
> Contributions are defined by either a contributor license  agreement
> (CLA) signed by you and/or your employer or, if no such CLA  is on file
> at the Foundation, by the terms and conditions of  Contributions as
> defined by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
> Further :
> 1) If you do not wish your post to be a Contribution, please do not 
> post it. However, in the event that you do, please mark as "NOT A 
> CONTRIBUTION" at the top of the posting.
> 2) Do not post any code that is not your original work, or code that 
> you do not have clear authorization to contribute.
> 3) Do not engage in detailed discussion of any implementation that  you
> have been exposed to unless such implementation is available to 
> everyone under an open source license or is your own implementation.
> 4) Under no circumstances will any committer accept code for  inclusion
> in our SVN repository contributed on the mailing list  unless it is from
> an Authorized Contributor, as defined $link.
> (I'm still working on the $link :)
> Comments?


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

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