Right now, I think that we're all interested in seeing support for whatever compilers people are willing to support.

So if we have support for both GCC and MSVC++ on Windows, so much the better for the project.


On Oct 25, 2005, at 10:15 AM, Francisco Andrades Grassi wrote:


Tanuj Mathur wrote:


  It is only the actual IDE that is commercial, with the Express
Editions estimated to cost $49 per copy (although the betas are free,
as Devanum pointed out).

Right - but still - we can't force people to go buy Express.

  Just to clear up any confusion, the VC++ 2003 command line compiler
and the required utilities and libraries are available as a free
download, exactly like GCC.

That's not correct. GCC is Free Software, VC++ 2003 compiler, although a free-of-charge download, is propritary software (you don't have access to the source and can't create derivative works under any circumstance). Even more, I believe the license on the VC+ + 2003 compiler does not allow you to run commercial applications.

Please do not compare the proprietary compiler from Microsoft with GCC in terms of 'free availability'. You may not like the GPL license on GCC (which I really like), but that another issue.

Francisco Andrades Grassi
Tlf: +58-414-125-7415

Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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