Mladen Turk wrote:

Enrico Migliore wrote:

I took a look at the documentation of the APR project:

> 1. APR doesn't cover is the Windowing subsystem

Sure, APR is something POSIX is meant to be.

> 2. An APR port to the ARM embedded platform doesn't exist

If someone wishes to build a GNU/Classpath like system
under Apache license, with APR instead POSIX as OS
abstraction layer (or any other), will you object?

I think this is the ultimate question of the entire thread.
Seems to me that when ever someone says something in the
direction of replacing GNU/Classpath with something else,
the voices are up.

From ground up I'm opposed to this artificial synergy of
ASF and GNU code, and until it gets resolved the Harmony
project will never become a true ASF project.

The reason is pretty simple, we are two different communities,
and just like in the real world, it's hard to merge the
things with different views.

So at the end of the day, you have a simple question:
Is Harmony a way to give a JVM to the GNU/Classpath,
or is a Harmony a project that will some day have option
to choose between different 'classpath' libraries.
If it's the first, the entire thing has nothing to do
with ASF, and if it's a second, then I don't understand why
all the fuzz about a different perspective proposals.


Hi Mladen,

I'm not a fan of GNU/Classpath, in fact, after reading the documentation
of the APR project and understood the potential of it, I've changed my mind,
as said in my previous thread.

As far as the windowing system is concerned, I just pointed out that if the APR had the interface to the native windowing system, it would save quite a bit of work to us.


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