Stepan Mishura wrote:
Did anybody think of creating a 'global' (i.e. shared by all modules)
exclude list or every module will have its own exclude list? Or Harmony
tests will always pass and we don't need it at all :-)

That would be the goal :)

I see at least the following benefits of creating 'global' exclude list: all
know issues are kept in one well known place (they don't spread between
several private lists)

That's true, but.... I always imagined that people would be working in the modules anyway, so there isn't much gain.

also it is easier to create an exclude list for a
target platform, for example, linux.exclude or win.exclude.

Yes, that could be.  Interesting idea.

However, I did imagine that we'd give the modules a bit of freedom and independence for testing - a global exclude list might impact that?



Stepan Mishura
Intel Middleware Products Division

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