You have a valid point.

We used to store the dependencies in our SVN, then there was discussion
about redistributing these, so we moved to downloading them.

I don't really care where they are hosted (i.e. a JAR repository at
Apache or ibiblio or random projects) -- whatever the project mentors
think is best practice for the ASF.


Etienne Gagnon wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed that the build system tends to download external files.
> While I see some merit to this, I think that it is not a good approach
> in general, as it creates a very fragile build system in the long term.
> Imagine that some bug is discovered in Harmony 25.4.  Regressions are
> applied against it and historical versions.  Versions 24.x, 23.x, 22.x
> all exhibit the same bug.  Then, ooops!, version 21.7 does not build as
> some library dependency can't be satisfied, the remote host has
> died/changed URL/etc.
> I can understand that we might not want to store dependency libraries in
> the repository (yet, I am not that sure I really understand...).  What
> prevents us from storing them on the web site?  (I guess the web site is
> already all in the repository anyway, so storing them in one branch or
> another doesn't make much difference other than the difficulty to
> checkout the system, then building w/o a network connection...)
> Unless we don't consider building historical versions as being
> important, or that a network connection is a hard dependency for
> building the system (a source CD wouldn't be sufficient to build)?
> Etienne
> PS: I know, I know... I've got a few other messages to reply to...  Just
> give me some time. :-)


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

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