Ann Barcomb <> writes:
> 1. It grabs focus from whatever I'm doing

Enough said.  Is there any situation where it's non-hateful for
any software to leap to the foreground of its own volition?
Classic example: opening an application on the Mac:

    * Click on dock icon or launch with quicksilver
    * Listen to disk grind; watch icon bounce
    * Wait for my foreground window to get a gray title
    * Alt-tab back to what I'm actually doing

I've been so well-trained at this that I hardly even think about
how annoying it is.

Related hate: some evil javascript incantation that grabs
keyboard focus from the frontmost tab in Safari without switching
to the offending tab.

> I hate the way it creates a directory 'Music/' in my home
> directory,

At least it's not "My Music".  What's with those lame
Microsoft-inspired names?  It's *my* home directory on *my*
computer -- of course it's mine!  FFS!


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