On Mon, 7 Jul 2008, A. Pagaltzis wrote:

> * Yoz Grahame <y...@yoz.com> [2008-07-07 03:30]:
> > There are quite a few reasons why HTML mail is a bad thing.
> > Most of them have been irrelevant for at least the past 5
> > years, doubly so for people who just want to send formatted
> > mail around internally.
> Surely that means UTF-8 plaintext mail’s fine now also?
> Regards,
> -- 
> Αριστοτέλης Παγκαλτζής // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

Sure, why not? 

I didn't realize before this (ridiculously overlong, but par for the 
list of late) thread that anyone still cares about the HTML vs ASCII 
email divide. 

Really, if you prefer plain text, then you should be using something 
like Pine/Alpine or Mutt, and Pine for one has supported HTML mail for 
around a decade now. So where's the problem? That a 100 word message 
that used to take 2k is now 40k? Who cares? That tactless people like to 
use pink 48pt Comic Sans? So what? 

Okay, fine, so you use Outlook / Thunderbird / Apple Mail / Donkeys, and 
the pink 48pt Comic Sans makes your eyes bleed. But how often does that 
actually happen? Maybe some people have a slightly hamfisted approach to 
formatting their thoughts, but in my experience, people *that* bad are 
rare, and with such people, if it isn't going to be the email, then it's 
going to be other things they do that you're confronted with (printouts 
on the company bulletin board and the like).

Earle couldn't be any more correct about this. HTML mail, who cares?

Chris Devers

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