Peter da Silva writes:

> On 2008-12-31, at 10:23, Joshua Rodman wrote:
>> The BSD people, whose package management system is pathetically
>> inadequate
> This is a use of "inadequate" that I haven't run into before. Usually
> that implies that it's worse, rather than better, than the system one
> is advocating.

RPM is pretty hateful, but every time I try to go from dpkg+apt to
ports, I get a headache -- mostly from dealing with dependencies, but
also from the ever-changing recommended practices for updates -- and
larger utilities bills.

Honest question: How can one defend the claim that dpkg suffers from
"meta-package-system-of-the-week" (apt has been around for something
like a decade) without saying the same about FreeBSD (cvsup, csup,
freebsd-update, etc -- and ports has even more to worry about)?

Michael Poole

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