* Joshua Juran <jju...@gmail.com> [2010-12-21 20:45]:
> On Dec 21, 2010, at 10:04 AM, Abigail wrote:
> >That's vastly inferiour to select with mouse, middle click
> >where to paste (the latter may also be shift-insert).
> You're missing the fact that merely selecting text doesn't
> clobber the clipboard, and accidentally pasting the wrong thing
> to the wrong place is much less likely.

No, *you* are missing the fact that when you can left-drag select
middle-click paste, it is so quick to paste the selection that
you only rarely keep it around for long enough that it would
matter how easy you might destroy it by accident.

FFM + middle-paste + local menus etc is every bit as coherent as
the MacOS UI, *IFF* done properly and consistently. (Since people
today mostly want to ape Apple, it almost never is; more's the
pity.) I know it's hard to believe for some that you can make
different design choices from Apple and still arrive at a fully
coherent overall UI style... but it's true. No, it won't be
optimal on the same counts as Apple's style; but it can actually
be better on other counts, no matter how weird that seems.

Just because almost no one understands HCI design doesn't mean
the only people on the planet who do work at Apple.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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