The rpmbuild post reminded me of my list of stupid language designer tricks.
This is a file I add to every time I read about some stupid mistake (or
"brilliant" feature) in a language and think "if I ever write a language I am
remembering not to do THAT!"

But really I'm gathering fodder for a talk to make fun of every language.

Here it is.

* It's OK to be verbose, the IDE will write the code for you.
  * See also Java
* The defaults suck, but that's ok, you can turn them off.
  * "Just change the grammar" (Perl 6 special)
* Instead of thinking, let's just paste in what C does!
  * Everyone's switch/case (except Perl 6)
  * gm/localtime() (particularly the year) and stat()
  * $! is unstable
* X is a big enough number for anybody
  * X+1 is "infinity"
  * No warnings on over/underflow
* Everything's global by default!
  * Perl
* Auto declare undeclared variables
  * PHP, Ruby
  * Typo protection out the window
* Terminate statement on newline
  * Ruby, Javascript, Kurila
  * Yay difficult to debug ambiguity!
* Function scope is good enough
* Who needs closures?
* Let's reserve a huge list of useful words and never use them.
* + should add or concatenate
  * Bonus points if your language is dynamic
* Arrays are just hashes with numbered keys
  * (Maybe not such a bad idea)
* Everyone should program in X style
  * Who cares about <OO, Functional, Logic> programming?
* Significant whitespace
  * Python
  * Oh god why Kurila
  * YAML does it right
  * So does Ruby
* Objects are just magic hashes
  * Perl
  * Javascript
* Everything is an object... except this stuff over here
  * Java
  * Perl
* Lists count from 0
  * Everybody does it
  * Everybody's wrong
  * See also "let's just paste what C does"
* Let's compare case-insensitively by default
  * Powershell, MySQL
* A typed language with no way to define new types
  * SQL
* No namespaces
  * Lua, Javascript
* No function pointers
* No dynamic code generation
* No WYSIWYG strings
* No anonymous functions
  * PHP (they finally woke up)
* Here-docs done wrong
  * PHP
  * Perl
* No multi-line strings
  * Java, here's to you!
  * C
* final methods
* Bad design for short term performance
  * final
  * special case for core types (Java, Perl)
* Function arguments are just lists
  * Perl
* Language spec?
* Language tests?
* Warnings off by default
  * Perl
  * PHP
* Error codes as human readable (and changable) strings
  * Perl
* Error codes as numbers
* Use the same function for two totally different things.
  * eval BLOCK; eval STRING
* We'll add threads later.
  * Perl
* We'll add Unicode later.
  * See also arc
* Loading your language with flavor of the month features (see also PHP)
* "If the assertion is given as a string it will be evaluated as PHP code by
  * What will assert( $gee_i_hope_this_is_true ) do?  Who knows!
  * A clumsy way of allowing assert() to print its code.
  * What if the string contains variables?  Context issues!
* No trailing commas on lists (PHP, SQL)
* "Special" comments
  * Many HTML extensions: <!-- DIRECTIVE -->
  * rpmbuild: expands macros in comments
  * Perl: #line file
  * javadoc
* Mixing file and URL operations (guessing what the thing to be opened is)
  * Hideously insecure
  * Slows down file operations
  * PHP's open
* Enforced syntax style
  * Code that might be more clear in a different style now must be crammed
    awkwardly into the one true style
  * Just makes it harder to see bad code
* No embedded documentation
  * Give programmers no excuse not to write docs
  * Put it in early or you'll commit "special comments" later

184. When operating a military vehicle I may *not* attempt something
     "I saw in a cartoon".
    -- The 213 Things Skippy Is No Longer Allowed To Do In The U.S. Army

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