On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 03:01:05PM +0200, Philip Newton wrote:
> > because we don't have a compiler in the UK".
> That makes me wonder whether UK refers to the Ukraine in this context....
> What an extremely odd thing for a company to say.

What our client said was odder.  They said "we want you to use

It was our client (NSPCC) who insisted on us, the experts to whom they'd
outsourced building their webshite, using Storyserver, despite none of
us having ever touched it or even touched tcl before.  We told them that
if they didn't spend six figures (actually, it might have been 7, I
disremember) on a Storyserver licence, then we could do the job faster
for less money then what they were paying us to do it in Storyserver, and
they wouldn't have to spend as much on hardware either.

I bear this in mind whenever one of their begging letters falls through
my front door.

David Cantrell | Bourgeois reactionary pig

      You know you're getting old when you fancy the
      teenager's parent and ignore the teenager
        -- Paul M in uknot

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