On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 1:58 AM, Michael G Schwern <schw...@pobox.com> wrote:
The only other instance I can think of is... damn I can't remember the name.
It's the one that makes URLs like /foo/bar/123,3598,235.html.  You write in
Java and everything, even the templates, is stored in Oracle.

Vignette StoryServer?

I had a bit of a go with that... back when the language was Tcl, not Java.

Fun times. Especially counting the backslashes. Do we need four here?
Five? Seven?

It was not unheard of to need ungodly numbers of backslashes in various places.

Plus you had things like "set" vs "SET" with one being the built-in
Tcl command and one being a special StoryServer Tcl command.

I remember one developer who decided he had had enough of trying to do
something in Tcl and wrote a template that was effectively

   [exec perl -e {
           .... about 150 lines of Perl snipped ...

(or whatever the syntax for calling external commands was). Worked wonderfully.

If you think you need that, step away from the keyboard, take a nice walk
outside and rethink your design.  Or write out open + eval long hand.

Or do "filename"?

Philip Newton <philip.new...@gmail.com>

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