On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 10:23 PM, Bradley <bradleyrobert...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm writing a new app that uses a custom gem not publicly available on
> gemcutter, or anywhere for that matter.  I'm building both the app and
> gem with Hudson CI, then I'd like the app pushed to heroku by somehow
> installing this gem and pushing.

> I don't want these gems available publicly which is why I'm looking
> for a good way to package the gem for my Heroku app to be able to use
> it appropriately.

> Doe this make sense?  Any suggestions/help is greatly appreciate.

Like it has been suggested, I think you can go the bundler route.
if you maintain your public source repository, you can use the --source
to distribute your gems that way. Instructions on how to do this are here:


Running your own gem server in this fashion doesn't appear to be

You could then reference it from your .gems manifest with the --source

But in your case, you do not want that distributed and it would need to be
There doesn't seem to be good documentation on how to use a https --source
argument or how to pass authentication credentials. May not be possible.

Which would be a shame, because the process you are describing, of using in
house gems in
this manner is a habit of very effective Ruby teams: you don't just DRY up
your project code, you DRY up common code across projects by refactoring to

Bundler might be the future, but its a bit of a heavyweight solution for
some people (not to mention
being a bit beta)

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