Wow, don't check the mailing list for a day and look what happens.  ::sigh::

Nick, man, you misunderstood my post.

I was responding directly to Mike's post.  Therefore my line about "I can
e-mail you offline." was directed at HIM ONLY.  Sorry for the confusion.

1. Has exploits.
"The reason I ask is there are several exploits that have never been fixed,
as well as some netcode issues that I've seen."
I see players doing things all the time that they aren't supposed to be able
to do.  I have examples and descriptions.  The netcode in HL2DM at least has
been completely shotty at best lately.  Plus Valve has put in time to fix
exploits both announced an unannounced since the last SDK release.  Since
they are moving to a new engine with new interfaces I wanted to be sure
those were put into the new SDK package.  If not, I was going to make sure I
tried to tackle those that I knew about in our mod.

As far as engine exploits, I wanted to make sure Valve knew about the ones
I've come across.  Obviously I have no control over fixing these.

2. Knows how to use them.
Mostly, no.  Know how to spot them ... yes.

3. Is willing to give them out via email.
Only to Valve.  I have several e-mail contacts there, but with the orange
box work they are doing, I didn't want to send it to the wrong person and
hope that it got to the right place.

4. Refuses to help others to fix them.
Nope.  I have constantly e-mailed valve about other problems and some have
been passed along and fixed.  Unfortunately you can't just post about them
here or they probably would be used as you can google any message from this
list at any time and usually get a link somewhere that has the archive.  Not
to mention those who only watch these lists for specific things they can

5. Refuses to make fixes available to others.
See 4

6 & 7.  Dunno where those came from.

Again from your response "I am guessing he is trying to sell the exploits to
others on the list via email" I think you misunderstood my response to Mike
as a general announcement.  Again, sorry for the confusion.


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