If Valve still had a problem with ads they would have done what you said,
remove flash and javascript. It is much easier to remove things than to add
a new UI and quickpick.

Replacing Servers with "Play Community Servers" is not a suitable solution.
It is half the size of a normal button and tucked under 2 full sized ones.
You'll get the same problem we have now.

A better solution would be to turn off the official servers option after 10
games or so.

- That way, new players are guaranteed to see what a "vanilla" experience
looks like.
- People that absolutely hate community servers can leave it checked.
- And community servers wouldn't die due to inertia.

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Weasels Lair <wea...@weaselslair.com> wrote:

> Excuse me?  I will eh ... "make" maybe US$20 this month in "revenue" from
> the non-video/banner ads I am running.  I've been doing dedicated servers
> of one form or another since the HL1+WON days (pre-Y2k/pre-Steam).
>  Definitely not in it for "the money".  The only reason I even started
> looking at putting-in advertising is due to current employment situation
> (or lack there-of).
> Are there some people out there trying to make a "living" off hosting
> servers - maybe.  But to infer ALL or even MOST? That is just utter
> stupidity.
> The way to kill off the real player-annoying stuff is to kill video dead,
> while leaving HTML/images/banners/non-audio-animation in place.  In other
> words, allow JPG's, and PNG's and GIF's, etc. but block all flash and java
> - whether it is quick-play or not.
> But, back to the ORIGINAL point of the thread (I think? was there one?),
> having the community servers off by default in quick-play is probably not
> helping the longevity of the game.  Players tend to get board with vanilla
> quickly, but if there is some setting they have to go dig to find - they
> are more likely to jump to some other game - rather than look it up.
> IMH(f)O, "Play multiplayer" should be replaced with "Play Official
> Servers", and "Servers" should be replaced with "Play Community Servers".
> "So say we all"? or should it be "Hallowed are the Ori"?
> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Supreet Sahni <coachcrock...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I think what nobody is touching on is the fact that they are losing a lot
>> of ad revenue because of this.
>> Lol, maybe they want to hear us complain about how we aren't making any
>> profits off of our servers now.
>> Valve is not stupid. They know big servers can cover more than server
>> costs and make a lot of profit with Pinion or MOTDgd.
>> Money is the only catalyst for this never ending discussions. All yall
>> couldn't give a damn about the community or the game.
>> But hey Valve, if you can make hundreds of thousand off of store items,
>> why now allow us to make a couple hundred or so?
>> Please and Thanks
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