> Why all of a sudden are they smart enough now to recheck something that
was checked before?

Because people like you keep arguing that they are smart enough to? Valve
could also make a notice saying the box has been unchecked.

> I bet you they will still complain though that no one is staying on their
servers after the 10 games.

You would be wrong then because before these changes, community servers
took up just about all the top 200 spots on gametracker.

> You (Not YOU specifically, but YOU in general meaning the custom server
operators) can't have it both ways. Either players are smart enough to seek
you out by selecting an item in a menu or they aren't.

I don't see how this is having it both ways. We are arguing that people are
lazy. You are the ones arguing that they are not.

If you are so confident that they are not lazy and all community servers
are garbage, then all the players will re-check that box.

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 9:49 PM, Phillip Vector <t...@mostdeadlygame.com>

> >- People that absolutely hate community servers can leave it checked.
> One of the main complaints I always see here is that players are too
> stupid to check a box saying that they want community servers.
> Why all of a sudden are they smart enough now to recheck something that
> was checked before?
> and just to point out, they wouldn't "leave it checked", they would have
> to go check something that the program unchecked for them.
> >- And community servers wouldn't die due to inertia.
> I bet you they will still complain though that no one is staying on their
> servers after the 10 games.
> How about the other way? How about leaving it checked and tell the player,
> "Hey, if you want to check out TF2 with mods and changes to the gameplay",
> please uncheck this box."?
> I'm serious here. You (Not YOU specifically, but YOU in general meaning
> the custom server operators) can't have it both ways. Either players are
> smart enough to seek you out by selecting an item in a menu or they aren't.
> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 9:05 PM, Robert Paulson <thepauls...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> If Valve still had a problem with ads they would have done what you said,
>> remove flash and javascript. It is much easier to remove things than to add
>> a new UI and quickpick.
>> Replacing Servers with "Play Community Servers" is not a suitable
>> solution. It is half the size of a normal button and tucked under 2 full
>> sized ones. You'll get the same problem we have now.
>> A better solution would be to turn off the official servers option after
>> 10 games or so.
>> - That way, new players are guaranteed to see what a "vanilla" experience
>> looks like.
>> - People that absolutely hate community servers can leave it checked.
>> - And community servers wouldn't die due to inertia.
>> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Weasels Lair <wea...@weaselslair.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Excuse me?  I will eh ... "make" maybe US$20 this month in "revenue"
>>> from the non-video/banner ads I am running.  I've been doing dedicated
>>> servers of one form or another since the HL1+WON days (pre-Y2k/pre-Steam).
>>>  Definitely not in it for "the money".  The only reason I even started
>>> looking at putting-in advertising is due to current employment situation
>>> (or lack there-of).
>>> Are there some people out there trying to make a "living" off hosting
>>> servers - maybe.  But to infer ALL or even MOST? That is just utter
>>> stupidity.
>>> The way to kill off the real player-annoying stuff is to kill video
>>> dead, while leaving HTML/images/banners/non-audio-animation in place.  In
>>> other words, allow JPG's, and PNG's and GIF's, etc. but block all flash and
>>> java - whether it is quick-play or not.
>>> But, back to the ORIGINAL point of the thread (I think? was there one?),
>>> having the community servers off by default in quick-play is probably not
>>> helping the longevity of the game.  Players tend to get board with vanilla
>>> quickly, but if there is some setting they have to go dig to find - they
>>> are more likely to jump to some other game - rather than look it up.
>>> IMH(f)O, "Play multiplayer" should be replaced with "Play Official
>>> Servers", and "Servers" should be replaced with "Play Community Servers".
>>> "So say we all"? or should it be "Hallowed are the Ori"?
>>> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Supreet Sahni <coachcrock...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I think what nobody is touching on is the fact that they are losing a
>>>> lot of ad revenue because of this.
>>>> Lol, maybe they want to hear us complain about how we aren't making any
>>>> profits off of our servers now.
>>>> Valve is not stupid. They know big servers can cover more than server
>>>> costs and make a lot of profit with Pinion or MOTDgd.
>>>> Money is the only catalyst for this never ending discussions. All yall
>>>> couldn't give a damn about the community or the game.
>>>> But hey Valve, if you can make hundreds of thousand off of store items,
>>>> why now allow us to make a couple hundred or so?
>>>> Please and Thanks
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