Also, there may be something wrong with your mail server:

 <>: []:
<<< 500 couriertls: connect: error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure

Then again, I use Courier MTA, which is pretty non-tolerant of goofy stuff.

Jesse Molina wrote:

Yes, you could certainly make things worse by messing around with your

You need to justify why the defaults are insufficient and why altering
them will improve your situation.

I fiddled around with all kinds of rate settings over a month or two on
a 24-player TF2 server a year or so ago and here is what I concluded:

The defaults are usually best.

Increasing the packet generation rate can have a significantly negative
impact on CPU usage, and has virtually no benefit to anyone except for
players with low latency (<20ms).

For players with latencies above 80ms, raising the packet rates can have
a negative impact on game play because the source engine appears (this
is pure conjecture based on observation) to have some kind of buffer,
very similar to your TCP window buffers, which limits the number of
update messages in transit.

Finally you did not say anything about your current CPU usage.  If you
are already maxing out there, increasing your rates is guaranteed to
make things worse.

Note that my comments here only relate to TF2.

Weasel wrote:
Just doing some optimizing of my TF2 servers.  I was wondering if
anybody on here had any recommended settings for "sv_minrate" and
"sv_maxrate" - specifically as it might apply to TF2 servers running
greater than the Valve-default-limit of 24-players?  I allow 32, and I
do see a little bit of lag when the server loads-up with players.
While that's going-on, network connectivity is fine (true network
"pings" between 30ms and 100ms).

Until recently, having more than 24 players on my server was rare.
So, I never really noticed that increased lag.  But, now it's fairly
packed a couple of nights a week.  Not sure if there's really anything
to be done with it, but maybe some sv_minrate/sv_maxrate tweaking
might help a little?

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# Jesse Molina
# Mail =
# Cell = 1-602-323-7608

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