True. But while players could disable html motd by just going to their options, 
the same can't be applied to us, server administrators who now have our tasks 
incleasingly difficulted. And we're not talking only about adverts, because 
besides that motd is, or was, a powerful tool to display relevant content about 
the server/game that was of interest to the players. So I leave here my honest 
big displeasure at this change, and others, that make the lives of game 
administrators unpleasant. Just a thought - for some reason thousands of 
players play on our community hosted servers instead of the "neat and tidy" 
servers from Valve. If we go away, everyone loses! It's never late to come 
back, though...
> Valve have to listen to the incessant whining of either some of their
> users, who don't want to watch ads, or some of their server admins,
> who want their servers to be profitable. Pick your favorite flavor of
> deluded sense of entitlement.
> ~~ Ondra
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