>> Much will depend if the ISP is offering their customer a ‘graceful’
>> renumbering event. If they do, then the principle applied in RFC4192
>> could be applied, and you will have a period where both prefixes (old
>> and new) co-exist, before the old prefix is removed. In that case, the
>> older connections can be retained, at least until that removal.
> I don't think that HNCP announces the "deprecated" status of a delegated
> prefix, so there's no way for an HNCP node to propagate it from the
> delegated to the assigned prefix.  Markus, Steven, Pierre?

For all intents and purposes a "deprecated" prefix is one with a preferred
lifetime of 0 so that is supported (TLV has valid and preferred lifetimes).
If your ISP does a graceful renumbering than that is what happens, your
RA server just has to play ball here though.

In an ungraceful case (flash renumbering) we stop announcing the prefix in
HNCP and the individual routers who have assigned it, MUST deprecate it
according to RFC 7084 (not just stop announcing it in RAs). This deprecation
sets preferred lifetime to 0 and valid lifetime to max (old valid lft, 2h).

> Nonce authentication might also be helpful, I'm not sure.

Nobody (I know) implements that, though. Even for DHCPv6 it is rare (haven't
seen a host OS that does) and there its part of the main standard.

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