Hey, everyone, I'd say I agree with Hans.

My Conn 6D's valves are leaky because it is a twenty-plus year old school
instrument and has been used and abused in the past. In its entire life,
I've probably given it the most attention, and before me it sat in its
case for at least ten years. But not only is it good for your horn, but
great for your teeth!! The last time I went to the dentist, he complained
because there was nothing for him to clean off... I was plaque and cavity
free! Besides, when my mouth feels clean, I feel my instrument responds
better. There is no scientific or logical explanation I can think of,
that's just what I feel. Maybe my horn is "happier". (Okay Cabbage, have
at it, I asked for it, I can feel it coming).

        I have another question for all of you professional players and graduate
students. Howw many hours of actual time with the horn at your face in
the practice room not rehearsals is ideal for a college freshman music
major with professional playing aspriations? I can only get about four to
five hours, the hours I' not at work or in class. Will this be
sufficient? I hear about those who get six hours plus of individual
practice time, and I don't see how it is possible for the full time
student without expiriencing sleep deficiencies. 
set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

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