If all do look for easy success, a story might help:
A jewish father took his boy to the conservatory´s director
& asks: "What da ya cost a good fiddle & how long has my boy
to study ?" "Well", the responsive director began to talk,
"a good violine is not below 25.000 USD & the young man has
to study at least for 7 to 10 years to become an orchestra
violin player, earning a beginner , say, say, 1.500.-". "Not
too bad, but the investment is much over what I expected to
pay. Anything else cheaper ?". "Well, there is the horn. A
reasonable would be for less than 3 grand, - and, ahem,
ahem, your son would make it into a regional orchestra after
3 or 4 years to earn enough to support his further studies
by himself." "Well", the bargaining father replied once
more, " still the 3 grand are a bit too much for our family
plus the support for the son for at least three year, no, no
! Anything cheaper & easier, with reasonable income ?" -
"Look", said the director, "there is a contrabasso out in
the corner, not so bad, but still good for the
schrumm-schrumm ! But the income is not very exciting, just
45 bucks for a service. But you would not pay much for the
lessons, - and two or three lessons might be enough ! And if
you dont like the instrument, use the wood for heating &
build yourself another !" (amused). "Well, I really need
something exciting for my obviously gifted son & together
with a quite interesting income !" - "Yeah, I got an idea",
the director said surprisingly, "buy your son a stick
otherwise also named baton, - or if you cannot affort it,
make one stick by yourself from a cut off from a bush or
tree. Then he should ask some other students to form a
chamber orchestra, so they will play for him. Too many are
enthusiastic about playing without any payment. So he will
be the only one earning money from the orchestras
activities. The audience is intonationwise & tastewise deaf
anyway. And the success is secure ! Good bye ! "


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 5:00 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; horn@music.memphis.edu
Subject: Re: [Hornlist] start off on an F horn?

Sorry I meant to send those comments privately.

Now that I started down this path, I do believe that
teaching in the US and certainly Europe is different. We
have talked about that on the list. I also believe we have
come to a time in this country
(US) when we (as educators) are expected to make kids
successful quickly. 
That being said, in my experience students that are
progressing well stick with the program. If you can't catch
the ball, throw the ball or hit the ball at some point you
will not play baseball. The same with horn if you can't hit
the notes and play melodies you will not continue to study.

Now, there are issues starting kids on doubles one of which
is the ability of a 9 year old to hold a horn even when we
are creative about how they hold the instrument. The small
wrap doubles do help, although not great instruments they do
make holding the instrument easier. 

Again Alan sorry that went to the entire list.

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