I am in favour of the direction Severin is proposing regarding privileges.
If we can stop new mappers from opening tiles that have been validated by
an experienced person then the integrity of the work is maintained as is.
I have mentioned in the past about the "losing" HOT Activations amongst the
myriad of Missing Maps work on the Task Manager and feel this would be a
good time to propose a separate Task Manager for HOT Activations so that
those activations stand more chance of being completed rather than
disappearing down the bottom of a long list.
Please do not misunderstand me....I am not belittling the Missing Maps
projects or trying to pass them off as unimportant.... I go into London
twice a month now to help groups of new mappers at Mapathons to join in on
the Missing Maps Projects... I am saying that there is a difference between
the URGENCY of people trapped under the rubble now and the URGENCY of an
Aid Team going into an area next week.
The accuracy of the initial input of work during a HOT Activation needs to
be high because it is needed as soon as possible and not to wait until
someone has validated it to clean it up. The quality of the initial work
going out helps the people in the field and speed up the process because
experienced mappers are not tied up trying to get individual tiles up to
standard and are able to do a lot more mapping work themselves and also
work on more advanced tasks like identifying impromptu camps of needy
I have to break off with validating for now to prepare for another Mapathon
tonight to tutor more new mappers and help them on their way to becoming
prolific mappers.
Thank you all for being so understanding and appreciating the dilemma I was
seeing unfolding at an ever increasing rate.
We all have the same goal and hope we can achieve them all
Keep Smiling and Keep Mapping.
HOT mailing list

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