Big big thanks. I had written a long, moving post about how much Hugin
has evolved etc. but my sucky internet connection eated it. Short
version, thanks to everyone involved, Hugin rocks big time. Waiting
for the binaries/packages/installers to spread the words to the less
techie friends :)

On Oct 5, 1:34 am, Bruno Postle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Congratulations to everyone responsible for this release!
> Changes since 0.6.1
> Hugin has changed enormously in the two years since the 0.6.1
> release, hardly any part of the code has remained untouched. There
> have been many many bug-fixes, improvements to the interface and
> lots of new features - Here are just some of them:
> Online help
> Hugin now has comprehensive help documentation for the entire user
> interface, the manual now includes glossary items explaining many
> panorama stitching and related photography concepts.
> Languages
> New translations include Slovak, Korean, Bulgarian and Spanish. This
> means that hugin is now usable with a total of twenty languages.
> New Assistant panel
> Creating simple panoramas is much easier, hugin now starts showing
> an Assistant with a simple 1-2-3 approach for loading images,
> aligning and creating the final output.
> The Assistant will estimate lens and camera parameters, then pick a
> suitable output projection and size, advanced options are still
> available for manual adjustment.
> Photometric model
> Previous versions of hugin and panotools had basic support for
> correcting vignetting and exposure differences between photos.
> This has been completely overhauled, hugin now internally uses the
> EMoR model for representing exposure photometrically. This means
> that the camera response curve, vignetting, colour balance and
> exposure can now be optimised in much the same way as geometrical
> properties such as position and lens distortion.
> The result is that blending between photos is better than ever
> before.
> Previously hugin supported High Dynamic Range imaging solely by
> allowing stitching of HDR floating-point TIFF photos - These images
> themselves had to be created in another tool.
> Now, thanks to the internal photometric model, hugin can now create
> HDR output from normal exposure bracketed photos. The photos don't
> have to be perfectly-aligned, they don't even need to be
> nearly-aligned or have consistent exposure differences - The hugin
> optimiser will sort all this stuff out, and the stitcher will create
> OpenEXR or TIFF HDR output files for later tonemapping or use as
> lightprobes.
> Exposure blending
> HDR and tonemapping isn't for everybody, enfuse introduced exposure
> blending to the world, and hugin supports aligning and fusing
> bracketed stacks of photos, perfectly, all as part of the stitching
> process.
> So now with hugin-0.7.0 and enblend-3.2 you can create realistic,
> photographic panoramas that have no over-exposed or under-exposed
> areas.
> Makefile stitching
> hugin-0.7.0 introduces a new stitching back-end: previously the
> various stitching tools were executed directly by the GUI, now all
> the commands required to generate the output are written to a
> Makefile which is then processed independently of hugin itself.
> Aside from easier debugging and customisation; this background
> stitching allows you to get on with creating a new project while
> waiting for the previous job to finish - Stitching can also be
> deferred or shifted to another machine, even 'headless' servers can
> now be used.
> Projections
> Hugin has always had the ability to save panoramas using simulated
> normal and fisheye lenses, or 360 degree cylindrical and spherical
> projections.
> Now a whole series of alternative cartographic mappings are
> available, of particular interest are the 'conformal' stereographic
> and Mercator projections which can be used to show extremely large
> angles of view with no local distortion.
> Project templates
> Hugin project files can now be used as templates for new panorama
> projects. This is useful if you take a lot of panoramas with exactly
> the same camera positions.
> Other improvements
> There's a whole lot of other new stuff in this release: numbering in
> the control-point editor, straight-line control-points, numeric
> transform, clicking to rotate the preview, a straighten button,
> cropping of the output and probably more.
> Command-line tools
> This release provides new command-line tools:
> * align_image_stack: align a nearly-aligned stack of photos
> * pto2mk: create a stitching Makefile from a pto project
> * vig_optimise: optimise photometric parameters
> * tca_correct: calculate lens chromatic aberration
> * hugin_hdrmerge: assemble a bracketed stack to HDR
> * matchpoint: classify control point features
> Control point generators
> Hugin doesn't yet ship with a 'Patent Free' control point generator.
> So you either need to pick control points manually - Not as
> difficult as it sounds - or install and configure one of the
> following control-point generators as 'plug-ins', in no particular
> order:
> * autopano-sift-C
> * panomatic
> * Autopano-SIFT
> * Autopano freeware version
> Upgrading
> Upgrading from previous versions of hugin should be seamless. If you
> do have problems with old settings, these can be reset in the
> Preferences by clicking 'Load defaults'.
> See the the README and INSTALL_cmake files for more information.
> Thanks to all the contributors to this release and members of the
> ptx mailing list, too many to mention here.
> Hugin can be found at
> Hugin sourcecode can be downloaded from sourceforge:
> Binary releases are expected to follow in the next few days.
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