Tom Sharpless wrote:
> One way to deal with exiftool problems is to not use exiftool.
> Some time ago I put a patch on the hugin tracker that makes running
> exiftool an option in the preferences tab.  I was told I couldn't
> commit because it would introduce a UI label needing translation, and
> there was a pre-release "translation freeze" in effect.  So it has
> only been tested on Win32, but as it works just like several other
> options I would expect no platform dependence.
> I suppose applying that patch to 0.7.0 would be violating some other
> release regulation; but I am going to do it for my personal builds
> (both Windows and Linux) because I have little use or admiration for
> exiftool.

now that 0.7.0 is released, trunk is in a state of flux again. I'd say:
go ahead and commit the patch.

also for the future I would suggest branching out release branches (like
has been done now with release-0.7.0) rather than freezing trunk. Trunk
should live on.


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