Hi everybody, let us get our understanding of what the projection is
supposed to do first.

I am confounded by a lack of a good test case. So here is an image
that I suggest we should use to test our "versions" of Panini.


It is 3000x1500 pixels.  I understand the geometry of this building
well, and there are only straight lines in it, with only 90 degrees
angles. the sides of the staircase run parallel to the side walls. The
far away walls and the back walls are all orthogonal. The area where
the tripod was placed is below a lower ceiling (appears very curve in
the image).

Here is my version of Panini: it is 226 x 123 degrees field of view. I
am projection from the equirectangular, to cylindrical, and then to


I really like it. The only area where it breaks down is on the roof of
the ceiling above the tripod. 

Can all of you generate your versions, also at a width of 3000 pixels
from this image?


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