is projection.
> Max's "Recti-Perspective" and my "Pannini" were already the same, and
> now Dan's mathlab implementation is, too.
> It is not the same as the ones from Dan you are considering here
> (incl. the one in pano13).  Not that that one is necessarily bad...
> Regards, Tom

Thanks Tom, Max, Yuv,

ok, so the pannini projection (emphasis on the double n) is going to be the
one created going from sphere to central cylindrical to stereographic.

We have several variants of the pannini, depending on what middle
projection is used. The one I implemented originally in panotools is
the "equirectangular pannini". We could further derive from Max's idea
and call it
equirectangular perspective.

This means that we can compute this type of projections from any type of
cylindrical projection. It will be interesting to see what would Miller of it.

Every use is different, for this particular image I prefer the
equirectangular pannini more
than the pannini. What do others think?

I am going to try to implement it in panotools next.


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