Daniel M German wrote:
> Hi everybody, let us get our understanding of what the projection is
> supposed to do first.
> I am confounded by a lack of a good test case. So here is an image
> that I suggest we should use to test our "versions" of Panini.
> http://turingmachine.org/~dmg/temp/equirectangular.jpg

perfect symmetry, congratulations.

> Here is my version of Panini: it is 226 x 123 degrees field of view. I
> am projection from the equirectangular, to cylindrical, and then to
> stereographic.
> http://turingmachine.org/~dmg/temp/equiToCentralCylindricalToPanini.jpg

quite different from what I get with the lastest libpano/hugin from SVN:


230x179.9 degrees.

If I enter 226 HFOV in the stitcher panel, it returns 173.1 VFOV.

> I really like it. 

I like yours better.

And I like a lot Max' Recti-Perspective.

Can you help me understand how to add projections to libpano13 - 
specifically how to pass parameters such as the width/height of the 
input image (in pixel) and its HFOV/VFOV? I've tried to peek around in 
the code, but I still can't find the start and the end, only bits of it 
(such as that what is in math.c). Needless to say that this is because I 
am an analphabet and probably what I look for is just under my nose.


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