
Great picture!  A perfect location for this type of projection.

As Tom pointed out earlier today, I have added a number of new projections into 
PTAssembler, one of which ("recti-perspective") appears to be quite similar to 
the Panini projection.  That said, here's a page with a few examples I 
generated in recti-perspective projection using your image (about 235x120 


I think that we must have a slightly different projection formulas because our 
results look a little different, although they seem quite similar in the 
central regions.


> Hi everybody, let us get our understanding of what the projection is
> supposed to do first.
> I am confounded by a lack of a good test case. So here is an image
> that I suggest we should use to test our "versions" of Panini.
> http://turingmachine.org/~dmg/temp/equirectangular.jpg
> It is 3000x1500 pixels.  I understand the geometry of this building
> well, and there are only straight lines in it, with only 90 degrees
> angles. the sides of the staircase run parallel to the side walls. The
> far away walls and the back walls are all orthogonal. The area where
> the tripod was placed is below a lower ceiling (appears very curve in
> the image).
> Here is my version of Panini: it is 226 x 123 degrees field of view. I
> am projection from the equirectangular, to cylindrical, and then to
> stereographic.
> http://turingmachine.org/~dmg/temp/equiToCentralCylindricalToPanini.jpg
> I really like it. The only area where it breaks down is on the roof of
> the ceiling above the tripod. 
> Can all of you generate your versions, also at a width of 3000 pixels
> from this image?
> --daniel
> > 

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