Hallo Joachim,

J. Schneider wrote:
> cp-generators selected) can run only aps-c. Autopano is not found (when 
> I copy it into bin\ it works) and Panomatic and Match-n-shift give
> "Could not execute command: panomatic.exe -o d:\tmp\ap_D.tmp "D:\use
> rs\...<path to images without spaces> ..."

2009.2 comes with control point creator presets [0] for the most popular 
CP generators known, but these generators are not part of the official 
Hugin tarball distribution.

I don't know if Allard did put any or all of them in his Windows binary 
installer, and if he did whether he did put them in the place expected 
by the template.

The solution for Windows IMO should be the same as Harry's bundle for OSX.


[0] http://hugin.sourceforge.net/releases/2009.2.0/en.shtml

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