Hallo Yuval,
> J. Schneider wrote:
>> The presets are present, correctly as listed in the posting "Control 
>> point generator incantations" by Bruno from 07. September. But the 
>> executables are not!
> this is intended behavior - simply because there were no resources to 
> implement anything more sophisticated and because it is better to 
> provide examples this way than nothing at all.

Having only those examples in the preferences for which the executables 
are installed as well would probably be not too complicated to 
implement. Would have to be decided at install time unless different 
installers are provided (which is reasonable for other reasons as you 

>> Living outside the USA I never spent much thought about how a bundle 
>> without certain cp generators should work.
> panomatic is protected by a *EUROPEAN* patent. This is not a US-only issue.

Oops, I thought the European law about patents on software had not yet 
passed. What a shame.

> What error message does the user get now when the cp generator is not 
> present?
"Could not execute command: panomatic.exe -o tempdir>\<tempfilename>.tmp 
<path to images without spaces>"

> Patches are always welcome. I currently have no bandwidth to take up 
> this additional task, which honestly is very low priority to me.

Really no high priority. But a more useful error report would be good as 
in many other situations. I will file a bug so it won't be forgotten, 
with low priority (low number=low priority?).


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