On 11 Mrz., 00:56, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:

> I think the solution is obvious: plugins that don't require input or
> provide output can work as they do currently.  Any other plugins
> need to use wxPython to provide a GUI.

After a longish discussion I have modified one of my plugins to use
wxPython to display a small dialog, and I offer it for download from
my bazaar repo in the hope it will be tested on other platforms. Here
(Kubuntu 10.10) it's running fine, but, as I've pointed out
previously, here everything is compiled and by the same compiler and
linked dynamically. I'd be especially curious to see if it runs on
Windows. To run it, you'll obviously have to have compiled the
python_scripting branch with BUILD_HSI set ON, and as the plugin uses
wxPython, you'll have to get that package as well. The plugin can be
downloaded from:


I initially wrote the script because I had a large mountaintop
panorama taken without tripod (only had a Leki stick) and three
different focal lengths - my Samyang fisheye for the 360X180, 1 row of
360 degrees around with 18mm portrait, and closeups of special stuff
with 55mm. The panorama had lots of parallactic error in the close
vicinity, but I didn't care about that. By choosing a ROI around the
horizon I could exclude most of the grassy knoll I was standing on and
only use CPs where parallax was not an issue. The stitcher produced a
very nice flawless horizon and hushed up the parallactic errors
elsewhere, just what I wanted.

I had tons of CPs all over because I was using another (much more
involved) script of mine I haven't yet published - this script
calculates the overlaps between all or some images, mask non-
overlapping image parts, warps the overlapping parts and generates CPs
from the warped images, resulting in many very good CPs even for those
situations when the ordinary CPGs have difficulties (like, matching
the edge of a fisheye shot with a 55mm image). Even after removing the
CPs where parallax was an issue, I was left with, on average, a couple
of hundred CPs for each image pair, so cohesion was so tight I could
optimize lens parameters from the panorama event though I only had CPs
in a narrow band near the horizon, and I came out with very sensible
lens correction coefficients and an average CP distance of 1.17
(standard deviation .97), which I thought remarkably good for a near-
freehand pano with three different focal lengths.

With the crop_cp plugin all I had to do was crop away the sky and the
floor in the openGL preview and then run the plugin once with the
default setting to remove CPs outside the ROI. I proceeded to pick
some small areas which, even though close to the horizon, still had
parallactic error because they were nearby, and called the plugin for
them with the setting to remove CPs inside the ROI. Then I chose the
ROI I wanted for the actual output, stitched, and out came a very nice
panorama indeed.

Comments welcome.


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