
On Thursday, May 15, 2014 2:12:34 PM UTC+2, Jeff W wrote:
> The only reason I've entered this discussion at all is that following 
> Hugues' admittedly not-terribly-helpful post, the universal response from 
> the community was what we might call the Apple playbook: blame the user. 
> You didn't take time to get to know the software. You must not understand 
> what's going on. You're holding it wrong. You're not computer savvy enough. 
> You are just part of the point and shoot crowd that wants a one click 
> solution. You should be using Linux instead of Windoze. Etc.

By "universal response" I assume you are referring to the responses in this 
specific thread, which started by a rather hostile message basically 
calling crap on everything Hugin is about. That's arguably not the best way 
to get any help at all.

There are numerous threads pointing out various (far too many) problems of 
Hugin on various kinds of systems. Most of them were written in a much more 
relaxed tone, resulting in a completely different kind of discussion from 
the one in this here thread. You'll agree with me that nice questions 
deserve nice answers, whereas questions asked like the developers produced 
nothing but an executable pile of steaming shit deserve to be flushed down 
the toilet, or at the very least may expect some "less subtle" responses.

Consider this example. You are helping out in a shop which gives away 
refurbished electronics equipment to people who cannot afford it. Of course 
you are doing this without compensation, and only if you have spare time 
left after your busy everyday job and other activities. Someone enters the 
shop, carrying with him a faulty hard drive. Which complaint would you 
- "This hard drive is utter shit, I tried to connect it to my computer once 
and it didn't work!", or
- "Something is wrong with this device, my computer does not recognize it 
somehow. The light is blinking and the drive seems to be spinning, but no 
matter what USB port I try, my OS cannot see it."

I guess the answer is obvious. Maybe you'd still try to help out a rude 
customer, but with a lot less willingness than when helping a polite 

I agree with you however that Hugin severely lacks in stability and speed, 
and that the UI and workflow could use improvement. Long time user here, 
not very happy yet with the current state of the (new) UI, but I know 
enough about the program to work around most annoyances most of the time. 
However, considering almost everything is done in the spare time of a 
pretty diverse group of contributors, without an architecture overseeing 
things or a lot of code review, I don't think it's a bad product at all. 
Supporting the subtleties of several different kinds of OS (Linux, iOS, 
Windows, all in several flavors) isn't a straightforward task. Many 
libraries are involved, some of which require (or have required in the 
past) adaptation specific for Hugin. Not an easy thing to maintain.

In the end, it's a complex product, far from perfect, but still a hell of 
an accomplishment. And I'm usually very happy with the results it produces, 
especially considering I shoot almost everything hand-held with auto 


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